Three Fixtures For The Price Of One: Introducing The New 250W UV Long Throw Series II

Published On: October 14, 2011By

The Series II features interchangeable reflectors for spot, wide spot, and flood configurations in the same fixture.

Spot. Wide Spot. Flood.

In the past, you had to purchase three different fixtures to get these three configurations. But now, with the Series II, you get all three in the same fixture, thanks to the new interchangeable reflector design.

Instead of buying a completely new fixture, simply change out the reflector. In other words: one fixture… three reflectors. (Additional reflectors sold separately).

But that’s not the only improved benefit of the Series II.

In addition to being completely interchangeable, the reflectors have undergone several major manufacturing improvements, such as…

  1. They are now made of spun aluminum, which provides a much more consistent and precise output shape.
  2. They have a bright alzak coating for greater reflectivity and output.
  3. They have a peened surface for remarkably consistent output and even light distribution over the entire coverage area.

In addition to the upgrades with the reflector, the Series II includes smart ballasting.

The end result is a fixture that has proven itself to be considerably more flexible, affordable, and powerful than its predecessor.

In addition to reflector upgrades, the Series II includes an all-new smart ballast.

Based on our testing and calculations…

  • The Series II Spot is 16% brighter than its predecessor.
  • The Series II Flood is 85% brighter than its predecessor.
  • The Series II Wide Spot is 137% brighter than its predecessor.

So you’re getting a heck of a lot more output with the same 250W of power! (Amazing what a simple reflector and improved ballasting can do, huh?)

The 250W Series II is currently available for sale from your nearest dealer, or direct from Wildfire.

Look for the 400W Series II, coming in January.

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