Conception. Where do original ideas come from? Scientists and mystics alike have pondered the question. Even Hollywood has tackled the subject with the recent blockbuster, Inception. But the answer is still a mystery. This subject of conception is explored in a new art film, appropriately titled Conception, created by Brad Lawrence, who was featured in this blog one year ago. As Lawrence explains… "CONCEPTION follows the artist’s creative process through a seemingly endless loop of daydreams—each vision more vivid and ...
Brian Olsen paints portraits. But he doesn't sit in a studio, working tediously for hours. He does it in about 4 to 10 minutes… in front of a live audience. Brian works in front of an oversized canvas, sometimes holding six brushes at once, other times using his bare hands, and in a theatrical display of showmanship accompanied by music, he paints portraits of famous individuals: athletes, movie stars, politicians, CEOs of major corporations, and other celebrities. The effect is ...
"A small man with a big heart." That's how one person described Rick Alonzo. For the past eleven years, Rick has been showcasing an entertaining blend of martial arts, gymnastics, and… you knew it was coming… black light paint! The result is quite spectacular… take a look: But for Rick, it's all just a vehicle for delivering a powerful message to young people. "I don't want to just entertain, I want to give them a message that will forever change ...
The background image is an abstract painting by Scarlett Lacey. (Click image for a larger view.) Scarlett Lacy's got something to hide. No, it's not skeletons (October is next month), it's something a bit more… er… erotic. Certainly not the sort of thing you want just anyone to see. Lacey is a fine artist whose abstract paintings have caught some attention. She was born and raised in England. Had artistic, liberal-minded parents. And for several years, has lived ...
"Guess Who?" (2010) by Antoine Merger. Acrylic and fluorescent paint on canvas. July's featured UV artist hails all the way from France. Antoine Merger has been producing UV art over the last 15 years as "Punkadelik", a fitting description of his punk-inspired 'technicolor' artwork. Citing influences such as Matta, Escher, Vermeer, Moebius, and Nagual, Merger creates fantastic imagery drawn from Japanese manga and popular science fiction films such as Star Wars and Alien. His use of fluorescent paint, ...
UV Artist Brad Lawrence "The Blacklight Blaze" is happy to announce its first featured UV artist: Brad Lawrence from Clarkston, MI. Brad is an award-winning portrait artist who became a UV convert about a year ago. Since then, he's been exploring fluorescent paint, water dye, and other fluorescent materials in his art. Brad writes, "The medium began taking precedence over my previous devotion to traditional portraiture, and I sought to find out how far I could push it's capabilities ...