Secret Paintings – What’s This Artist Got To Hide?

Published On: September 14, 2011By

The background image is an abstract painting by Scarlett Lacey. (Click image for a larger view.)

Scarlett Lacy’s got something to hide.

No, it’s not skeletons (October is next month), it’s something a bit more… er… erotic. Certainly not the sort of thing you want just anyone to see.

Lacey is a fine artist whose abstract paintings have caught some attention. She was born and raised in England. Had artistic, liberal-minded parents. And for several years, has lived in L.A. working as a Hollywood producer garnering several major film credits to her name.

So what’s her big secret?


As Lacey explains… “Unlike my parents [who proudly displayed their nude paintings for all to see], I felt kinda shy about shoving those lovely lumps in people’s faces. I wasn’t living in Europe anymore and it wasn’t the 1970s. I was interested in doing nudes that were ‘secret’ and could only be seen at certain times–when one wanted them to be seen. Plus,” she continues, “I have a glass front door at my house and a mailman with high blood pressure.”

That’s what led her to explore the world of dual image UV art, which quite naturally led her to Wildfire.

Lacey states, “Given the fact that I was painting at night after I got home from the office or set, black light was what I gravitated towards. I could paint in the dark and I could hide the sexy stuff I was painting under inoffensive abstracts.”

It’s the fine art equivalent of keeping your magazines hidden under the bed.

Lacey often describes her work as “F.A.B.” – Fine Art Blacklight. “Obviously blacklight is associated with nightclubs, concerts and The Blue Man Group,” Lacey writes, “But I thought… why not secret fine art? No one has fully explored that. It’s a genre waiting to happen… The colors are truly extraordinary.”

At least one major mover and shaker in the art world has taken notice. Steve Lazarides, known for introducing Banksy to the world, has bought the piece shown in the photos accompanying this article.

The same abstract painting (see above) reveals its secret under blacklight.

If you’d like to find out exactly what Lacey is hiding under her abstract paintings, you’ll want to check out her show “Concealed/Revealed: An expose of secret paintings by Scarlett Lacey” going on all this month at the Artshore Gallery at 801 East 4th Place, Los Angeles. The gallery is open Monday to Friday 2pm – 5pm or by appointment.

The public is also welcome to attend a VIP Artist Reception this Saturday, the 17th, from 7pm – 10pm or the Closing Reception Saturday, Oct. 1 7pm – 10 pm. (Reservations required.)

All the black light fixtures at the show have been provided by Wildfire.

All proceeds from the show benefit the non-profit organization Art Show L.A., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing arts programs for underprivileged youth.

To discover more about Lacey, visit her website.

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